Thursday, September 6, 2012

Every journey starts with the first step..

To every journey there is a beginning and there is an end. Yes, that is pretty cliche. At least in this case it is appropriate.

Hello! My name is Kimberly and I am a blogging newbie. I have tried to start blogs in the past but I never followed through because I never really felt that inspired to keep going. I am not sure of why I have decided to start another one but lets go with it shall we?

A little introduction about me, I am a 35 year old mother of an amazing little girl who is known as the Princess. I live with her and my other half, a man I have known for over half my life and he is affectionately known as the Mr. We also have a little dog, Daisy. If you really want to get specific about living creatures that we want in our home, we have Barney and Betty Beta Fish, but I won't be talking about them much...

I live in Colorado. I have always lived in Colorado. I will continue to always live in Colorado, unless I finally get the chance to live in London, but I don't see that ever happening. I work in the medical field as an administrator in a residency and fellowship training program. My work takes up a lot of my time, but I love it and I work with great people, unless they annoy me, which happens frequently when you are the administrator for 5 programs filled with doctors.

I have a reason for starting this blog. Within the course of life, there are ups and downs. For a long time, like the last 7 years there have been more downs than ups. I have finally decided to start taking care of myself and I am trying to figure out if there really is better living through pharmacokenetics. I tried taking a antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication called Celexa and that was not helpful. So I am now running with the big dogs. I have been started on a medication called Wellbutrin. Something of a wonder-drug for many different types of patients so I wanted to see how it changed me, how it helps me function and to see if I get to wear a cape and save the world!

This blog is to tell about some of the adventures in my life. My views on topics, and just general every day kind of stuff. There will be lots of humor, sarcasm and general nuttiness. Please realize that while I will try to keep this clean, there will be foul language occasionally. (Okay maybe more than occasionally but I will try to keep it creative) There will be serious posts and bad days.  More than anything, I hope to gain more perspective on my life and maybe someone can read this and get help for themselves too. Or at least a good chuckle or two.

Happy reading! Welcome to the Nut House. I am the Head Cashew

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